Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Change has to start somewhere. Why not here?" Michael Moore NYC

The Christian Post > International > U.S.|Tue, Sep. 27 2011 04:58 PM EDT

'Occupy Wall Street' Protestors Rejuvenated by Michael Moore Support

By Ivana Kvesic | Christian Post Reporter

A surprised group of dedicated protestors were greeted to a morale boost on Monday evening when the well-known filmmaker and author Michael Moore came out to Lower Manhattan to talk about something he is extremely familiar with, social activism.

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Moore came around 7 p.m. to New York’s Zuccotti Park where the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors have set the stage for their protest against corporate greed and its social and economic impact on the United States.
Moore told protestors, “Change has to start somewhere. Why not here?”
He added, “A lot of people, they end up… doing well and they forget about who they are and where they come from.”
Moore came at a good time, as protestors were in their 10th day of the movement and fatigue from staying outdoors was likely seeping in, especially following a weekend march where over 80 people were arrested around New York's famous Union Square.
Many of the protestors that were arrested over the weekend claim that police used brutal force.
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One such protestor, Hero Vincent, claimed that the police punched him in his face, kicked him in his stomach, and hit him with a baton before they eventually arrested him.
Thus, with a visit by a highly prominent activist, protestors have been responding with elation and rejuvenation.
Asa Lowe, a protestor, told The Christian Post of Moore’s visit, “We were all so surprised. I gave him an American flag and I think it boosted our morale.”
Lowe added, “We needed a regular morale boost.”
Daniel Baez, a musician, filmmaker, activist, and artist told the CP that he was glad that Moore decided to support the movement.
Baez said, “Seeing people like Michael Moore come here, I think gives people hope, it inspires us more.”
Baez thinks Moore coming out is just the beginning of celebrity support for the movement and said that he would like to see more artists and musicians come out and support the protest including members of Rage Against the Machine, Tom Morello, and political commentator Bill Maher.
Baez said, “I think that there should be more support for people that have been fighting for this cause longer than I have.”
He also added that he would love to hear from the other side, saying, "I'd love to see some of the bankers come and talk.”

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