Monday, December 5, 2011

Tea Party Karl Denninger Explains How Banksters Robbed Us and How to Get Some of It Back

Tea Party Karl Denninger Explains How Banksters Robbed Us and How to Get Some of It Back

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Not only did the entire bankster population of Europe and The United States know about the pendency (i.e. being pending) of this financial mess but they actually caused it by assisting Greece in lying its way into the Euro in the first place!   And now the majority of Europe's governments are attempting to spend more than they take in via taxes, just as is the United States!
This sort of nonsense is exactly why we will are heading straight for the cliff here in the United States and in Europe generally.   We simply refuse, as nations, as people, to tell our government that lying, cheating and stealing is unacceptable and that we will not tolerate or consent to a government that fails to prosecute and imprison those who engage in this sort of "business tactic."
Yes, I know, it's somewhat difficult to comprehend exactly how you got robbed.   But virtually everyone knows by now that it happened.   The Occupy folks understand they got ripped off.   They don't understand the how, but they sure get the "what" and the "who."
The very banksters who caused the mess should have seen it coming?
But they did see it coming!   -- they created it for chrissake, and it was intentional.   They not only saw it coming, they knew it would come, and they expected and anticipated robbing you, the taxpayer, to pay for it.
And now there is only one question remaining:   Are you going to keep sitting still for this, or are you going to start demanding indictments, prosecutions and imprisonment, lest the situation degenerate into one where the sustainability of our basic civil infrastructure and order is destroyed?  Source article

Denninger says that until the Occupy movement focuses on these issues, they will be contributing little or nothing to any kind of real solution to our nation's economic, political and financial problems.   Listen to him explain this to Max Keiser.
Karl inspires me to explain how we can get a good deal of our money back while teaching the banksters a major lesson
He says what they should have done, and I've reworded it to say what they still could do:
If OWS really want to hit the banks where it hurts, they won't waste more time camping out in the cold and holding up signs till their fingers turn blue.   Instead they will take out every new credit card they can get.   Lots of them.   Card after card.   Essentially they will follow Wall Street's example  They will borrow every nickel they can.   It's called "leverage' (which just happens to be the title of Karl's new book).   And then they will hightail it to the Bahamas.   And when the money is gone, they'll say to the banks, "Too bad, suckers.   Sue us!   And good luck with that."
Immoral and unethical?   Yes of course, but who cares?   As you saw on 60 minutes last Sunday, the banksters don't give a damn about either the law, morals or ethics.   Neither does Congress.   So why should we, when it comes to them?   They robbed us, cleverly and legally, and now we have a chance to pull the same crap on them, and hurt them in the only way they understand:   in the pocketbook and on their balance sheet.
The bleating from "the man" the other night in that 60 minutes piece about Sarbanes-Oxley and whether CEOs "knew" about the misconduct of their firms, was an intentional lie.     The entire purpose of "Sarbox' was to hold CEOs and CFOs accountable for knowing the business integrity of their firms -- that is, to remove what had been, until then, a common excuse, that "they didn't know," and remove this excuse by adding a statutory requirement that they learn, understand and know exactly what their firms are doing.
There is no other way to put this:   Congress and the White House not only do not care if the banksters continue to rob you, they are actively condoning and assisting in the theft!
As a result there are only two courses of action that are both legal and logically defensible:
1.         Find a way to screw them to the maximum lawful extent.     Civil judgment?   Become judgment proof.     Then spend their money and don't pay it back, just as they spent yours without paying it back.     In other words, perhaps it's time for a general strike of a different form -- a general debt strike where everyone pulls every dime they have from a bank and simply refuses to pay any debt to them, essentially erecting the middle finger to the banking system.     In other words, screw 'em.
2.         Tell "the banksters" and their systemically organized parasitism to go to hell.     Refuse to do business with their institutions or anyone who does.     Shun them all.
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Several years after receiving my M.A. in social science (interdisciplinary studies) I was an instructor at S.F. State University for a year, but then went back to designing automated machinery, and then tech writing, in Silicon Valley. I've always (more...)
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