Friday, May 11, 2012

More Bad News For Jamie Dimon, Fitch Clips JPMorgan Credit Rating

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 03:   JPMorgan Chase & Co. ...
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
JPMorgan Chase was the subject of bad news after the closing bell for a second-straight day, this time from an external source as Fitch Ratings dropped its rating on the bank to A+ in response to the $2 billion trading loss the firm disclosed Thursday.
The ratings agency, which cut JPMorgan one notch from AA- and kept its rating on negative watch for further downgrade, said the ongoing nature of the loss, which Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said could get worse on a conference call following the announcement, “implies a lack of liquidity” and “raises questions regarding JPM’s risk appetite, risk management framework, practices and oversight.”
Fitch says the reputational and risk governance issues raised at JPMorgan given the losses in the synthetic credit portfolio managed by its Chief InvestmentOffice are not consistent with its former rating, though the size of the losses to date are seen as “manageable.”
Shares of JPMorgan, which dove 9.3% to $36.96 Friday, were down another 0.8% to $36.67 after hours. The bank is the center of increased scrutiny from politicians and regulators after the loss, which gives more ammunition to proponents of tighter oversight of financial firms including the Volcker Rule, which seeks to eliminate proprietary risk-taking by the “too big to fail” banks.
Dimon, who won praise in many quarters for steering JPMorgan through the financial crisis in better shape than most of its peers, has been a vocal opponent of significant increases in regulation, particularly the Volcker Rule. (See “Dimon Takes On Regulatory Hurdles In Annual Letter.”)
While he has scored points with questions about whether or not the interaction between regulationshave been considered in the past, the $2 billion loss disclosed Thursday hurts the argument, even if the trading at question qualified as hedging strategies and do not fall under the Volcker Rule’s purview.
For investors, it has become increasingly difficult to effectively assess the value of financial institutions that operate trading and investment businesses on a global scale. While the core banking franchises of firms like JPMorgan, Bank of America and Citigroupcould conceivably be evaluated, the less transparent trading strategies undertaken by such firms, and the likes of Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Stanley, keep the risk of such a blowup on the table.

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