August 15, 2013 by Bob Livingston
On Aug. 16, 1841, the banksters and their Whig minions reared their ugly heads in Washington, D.C., reacting violently to the veto of a bill that would have created a Second National Bank.
President John Tyler said — rightly — that he vetoed the bill on Constitutional grounds, adding that it would infringe on States’ rights. “The power of Congress to create a national bank to operate per se over the Union has been a question of dispute from the origin of the Government… my own opinion has been uniformly proclaimed to be against the exercise of any such power by this Government,” he said.
Speaker of the House Henry Clay, the leader of the Whig Party, organized a protest. Whipped into a frenzy and drunk, Whigs and banksters stormed the White House, dragging an effigy of Tyler with them. They built a gallows, hung the effigy, fueled it with pitch and set it alight. Some shot their guns into the air and into the White House. The protest is described by most historians as the most violent ever in the Nation’s capital.
Some of the “men who participated were later caught and brought to trial, but Tyler interceded, excusing them for their extreme political passion, which, he believed, should not be prosecuted in a free society; they were released without penalty,” writes Gary May in John Tyler: The American Presidents Series: The 10th President, 1841-1845.
Tyler, a Whig himself, was subsequently kicked out of the party. Clay pressured the Whigs in his cabinet to resign. A move was made to impeach Tyler after he vetoed Whig efforts to raise taxes.
Such a protest against the imperial Presidency today is hard to imagine, as is the magnanimous gesture of pardoning them for exercising their “extreme political passion.”
Protests against Constitutional violations today are decried by the elected class as everything from racism to hate speech to tin foil hattery, Congress has passed laws creating areas around politicians in which protests are prohibited, and the Department of Homeland Security has issued white papers instructing law enforcement to eye suspiciously anyone who believes the Government is acting outside its Constitutional bounds. And political correctness has reached such a level that Missouri clowns have been ordered to undergo sensitivity training because one dared don a mask of the President and run around a ring with a bull during the State fair.
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