Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Challenges

When I discovered a published opinion by the 9th Circuit Bankruptcy Appellant Panel,or BAP, that decided that bankruptcy courts retained jurisdiction to hear complaints of bankruptcy violations that occurred while the case was active. In re Nathan Johnson 7-7-2006. Another decision, Salter, decided that the BAP has the authority to issue extraordinary relief such as writs of mandamus or mandate.

A petition asking the court to order a trial or hearing submitted on May 2, 2011 was quickly denied on May 20, 2011. One difference in the make up of the seven judge BAP panel from the BAP that decided the above decisions, and the reversal of Judge Jury on the same point of law, 11 USC 362 in a 2004 case when I suffered from the same type of violation See In re Gary Ozenne

I must gain media attention to get my hearing or trial, so I started to document my long struggle to receive justice against this Wall Street giant.

June 8, 2011


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