Monday, December 9, 2013

International banksters stole our country


Editor, the Record:
It's been 100 years since those criminals in the federal government exercised powers not delegated them by the Constitution for the United States of America when they conferred upon a private cohort of international banksters control of our nation's money supply. Our country was abducted from us by these internationalists; since then, the American people were sold the lie that "everything is all right," "we're still a free country" and other mindless blather.
No, everything is not all right. You have been living a lie. The dementia must end.
Through this multi-generational conspiracy, the banksters first separated us from our lawful gold coin in 1933, silver in 1964, and, in 1971, Nixon closed the gold window. There has since been no check upon this legalized counterfeiting operation. Jefferson's prediction is proving true "...the banks... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered..." Our country's future may likely mirror that of the Weimar Republic in Germany following World War I — hyperinflation followed by dictatorship.
At this point, writing your elected official, even voting, is a pure exercise in futility. The crux of the problem is holding public officials accountable when they act outside the law.
Make this your New Year's resolution: Learn your rights; memorize the Bill of Rights by heart. Purchase a fifth or sixth edition of Black's Law Dictionary, as well as a reprint of Noah Webster's "1828." Words have different meanings.
Purchase both state and federal rules for criminal and civil procedure. Make yourself familiar with the U.S. Code, as well as Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Visit Learn the law and stand your ground.
As someone once said, "If this is a game of chess, then we're going to learn how to play chess very well."

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